Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10, 2011

So I am actually going to start with yesterdays events that will help lead into my day today.
     *** Wednesday Feb. 9, 2011*** I had my second round of testing for a job at SIA. I had already passed the first round so I was excited yet nervous for the 2nd part. My testing time was 12-4. Ok. 4 hours...I can do this. I did 4 hours for the first round and it wasn't so bad. I get up and get ready. I drove out to CTI to get my paper to take with me to my testing. I had to be there by 11:30. No one was to be on SIA property until 15 minutes before the testing time so I pull into Tractor supply parking lot and called mom. I wasnt really worried about the testing because I had talked to GOD and told him if I was meant to work there then he would make sure it happened and if not then I will find out where I am to work later on. I pull into the drive and spoke to the really nice guy at the guard shack. He addressed me on where the building was for the testing and where I was to park ( in the drive to the left). ok...that sounds good to me is what I was thinking. I pull ahead and turn into the parking lot on the left. Lets just say I soon realized that the training center does NOT have any parking designated close to the building. I ended up parking like 2 rows away from the west  entrance.  I walked 1/2 mile to get to the building ( in the freezing cold weather). I got inside and found out where i was supposed to go. I was sitting in this room with 16 other people and only 3 of those 16 were females so we were a little out I knew it was going to be a simulation test but I really had no idea as to what I was getting myself into. We were instructed that there were 2 parts to the testing today. One part would be weight lifting and sqwatting and the second part would be quickness of putting on nutts, bolts, wires, and rubber hoses. Luckily I was in the group that had the hardest test first-weights!! We, as a group, go into this room where there are a bunch of weights hanging on pegs and a large metal grid with pegs across from it. we were told that the book in front of us would guide us through the test. Each page would tell us a weight that was needed and where it was to be placed on the grid. After each weight we had to go back, turn the page and do the next weight. We had 10 weights to move each time ( total weight to be moved was 130 lbs). after you moved all 10 weights, it instructed you to score your answers. Once you scored yourself, each page would instruct you to move one weight from one peg to another or just completely remove a weight. after going thru the 10 weights, you would score yourself yet again. After scoring that time, it would tell you to remove all the weights and put them back on the rack and they had to be back in a particular way, then you would start all over again. Last night I figured it up and I moved a total of 3900 lbs in 60 minutes. It was a timed test. The second test with the nutts and bolts and such, I know why I didnt pass. Im just not very speedy. I try to be more accurate than speed and thats a downfall with me.So....the testing was done right around 3:35 or so. They called us in one at a time to let us know whether we had passed or not. I DID NOT PASS...but thats ok. I was told that if I was interested in Wabash National, I should call CTI the next morning after 9 am............................................................................
Ok back to Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011. 
     I set my alarm for 9:09 am. My original plans for today was to call CTI and sleep all day. I was going to wake up only to take James to work at 6 pm. My body was killing me last night and it hurt to sleep. I have been freezing so that doesnt help much either. Anyways, I called CTI this morning and they asked if I could come in for an interview at 1:15 and of course I said yes. I need a job so I can finally move out and have a place for me and Kitty and Brandon too if he chooses to stay with us from time to time or permenantly if he so chooses to. Im hoping eventually it will be permanant. I hate staying with other people. I appreciate how nice they are but I just really wanna have my own place, sleep in my own bed, cook in my own kitchen, sleep in my own bed, have who ever I want over without having to ask permission from anyone, not worry what time im gonna get home in my own place. I wanna pay my own bills without having to ask for help.
Back to today, sorry I do that alot...I
I went to CTI, filled out my paperwork, didnt really have an interview. I did my drug screen, filled out more paper work, got a t shirt and was told when orientation was and the pay, and when we would be getting paid. I also found out that they have 2 shifts. Both are 6-4:30. Either its am-pm or pm-am and its four 10 hour days. I left there and was messaging my baby- Brandon and he informed that we are doing dinner ( I think with his grandpa). He must love Arni's cuz this is twice this I really like him. I hope this is long term. Well its 5:17 and James has to be at work by 6. Brandon is picking us both up, dropping James off at work then I will be spending the evening with Brandon. I know it should seem crazy that I am almost 33 and he is 25 but when I am with him the age thing never even comes to mind. I look to him like he is older. I dont mommy him or talk down to him. I ask him what he want and how he feels. I like knowing how he feels about everything and what he is thinking, stuff like that. 

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